Welcome to the Environment Web site. Our goal is to establish a one-stop navigation source for your information needs. We develop DOE-wide environmental policies and assist the DOE site offices and their contractors in carrying out these policies to protect the public and the environment.
- Environmental Policy
Summaries of the major federal environmental laws that affect DOE facilities.
- Environmental Guidance
Library of all of our environmental guidance documents in portable document format (PDF).
- Environmental Reports
Reports for: Executive Order 13101, Greening the Government through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition, Executive Order 13148, Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management, Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, Annual Site Environmental Reports, and, Environmental Stewardship Scorecard Reports.
- Environmental Management System
Documents on policy, reporting guidance, general guidance, implementation progress reporting, training, and contacts.
- Pollution Prevention
Contains policy and guidance documents, announces P2 news and events, and provides a convenient on-line reporting system for DOE sites and program offices.
- Radiation Protection
Documents on policy, guidance, laws, regulations, training, and tools, as well as the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual, Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols Manual, dose and risk assessment information, and descriptions of a number of committees dealing with radiological issues.
- Environmental Compliance
In response to recommendations made by the President's Management Council on improving how federal agencies assure environmental compliance, DOE developed an Implementation Plan that identifies priority areas for the department. Includes information on how to achieve this goal such as environmental orders, environmental compliance improvement reporting, and key links.
- Environmental Training
Contains various environmental-related training courses, workshops, tutorials, and presentations to help DOE and contractor personnel understand and comply with new federal environmental regulatory programs.
- Environmental Tools
Includes assistance tools such as the RQ-Calculator, RESRAD family of codes, and the EPCRA tutorial.
For additional information regarding this page or feedback on its content, please contact:
Thomas Traceski, Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance
Josh Silverman, Deputy Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance
This page was last updated on December 03, 2008