National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Small Business Innovation Research 2001 Program Solicitation
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H4.01 Extravehicular Activity Productivity
H4.02 Advanced Habitation Systems
Technologies developed under this Topic are needed for the Advanced Human Support Technology Program (and other programs) to assure robust and reliable capabilities to support health and safety of human explorers during long-duration space missions. In addition, it is the goal of this topic to drive down the cost of human exploration missions and campaigns beyond Earth orbit and to develop and demonstrate critically needed capabilities for human activities in space. Some selected objectives of this topic include: (1) Developing innovative, affordable and highly operable new technologies for extravehicular activity (EVA) systems and advanced space habitation systems, and (2) Establishing a foundation for profitable commercial development of space applications of these technologies in the mid- to far-term.
H4.01 Extravehicular Activity Productivity
Lead Center: JSC
Participating Center(s): None
Advanced extravehicular activity (EVA) systems are necessary for the successful human exploration of all destinations beyond low Earth orbit. Complex missions to the Moon, Mars, L2, and other remote sites require innovative approaches for maximizing human productivity and for providing the capability to perform useful work tasks. Requirements include reduction of system hardware weight and volume; increased hardware reliability, durability, and operating lifetime (before resupply, recharge and maintenance, or replacement is necessary); reduced hardware and software costs; increased human comfort; and less-restrictive work performance capability in the space environment, in hazardous ground-level contaminated atmospheres, or in extreme ambient thermal environments. All proposed Phase I research must lead to specific Phase II experimental development that could be integrated into a functional EVA system. Areas in which innovations are solicited include the following:
Environmental Protection
EVA Mobility
Life Support System
H4.02 Advanced Habitation Systems
Lead Center: JSC
Participating Center(s): None
Advanced habitation technology is sought to enable Human Exploration and Development of Space Enterprise future orbital, planetary and deep space applications. Space and planetary habitation, pressure structures and unpressurized shelters are being sought out to provide innovative structural solutions that combine high strength and light weight materials along with the reliability, durability, reparability, radiation protection, packaging efficiency and life-cycle cost effectiveness. Advances in material developments and manufacturing techniques that enable the structure to "self-heal" and the emplacement, erection, deployment or manufacturing of habitats in space or on the Moon and Mars are considered enabling technologies for the evolution of humans into space and the eventual settlement on Mars. Integration of sensors, circuitry and automated components to enable self-deployment and "smart" structures are considered necessary for the habitat to operate autonomously. The objective is to create an advanced habitat that becomes a "living" structure that not only runs autonomously, but also has self-healing capability. A number of technologies and techniques have been proposed that allow the delivery of deployable habitats to space and planet surfaces or the manufacturing and construction of habitats on planet surfaces. These include:
Quantitative assessments require innovative, space flight compatible habitat structures that meet the needs for human space flight and structural integrity. The Moon and Mars are of the most interest. Consideration of flight-testing in space or at the Moon should be considered. Areas in which innovations are solicited include the following technologies for use in space (zero gravity) and/or the planetary surfaces:
Habitat Structures
External Environment Protection
Integrated Habitation Systems
Logistics, Maintenance and Repair
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