Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Five Basic Components

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Salt Marsh Habitat
Mangrove Habitat
Seagrass Habitat
Kelp Habitat
Reef Habitats
Great Lakes Marsh Habitat
Innovative Techniques and Methods for Coastal Habitat Restoration
Explosion used to create a tidal creek.
Explosive used carefully and effectively to create a meandering tidal creek.
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As the science of habitat restoration matures, coastal restoration practitioners are developing new and innovative ways to increase the efficiency and success of restoration efforts. Following are several examples of recent or ongoing restoration projects that contribute to our understanding of new practices for coastal habitat restoration.

Salt Marsh Habitat

Salt marshes occur on all coasts of the United States around low-energy areas such as estuaries, lagoons, bays and river mouths. They play a vital role in the health of the coastal ecosystem. Salt marshes function to help control floods, improve water quality, and contribute significantly to coastal food webs. They provide valuable habitat for fish, birds, and other wildlife. Over the past century, salt marshes have disappeared at an alarming rate, primarily as a result of such activities as dredging, filling, diking, and ditching. Natural salt marshes are a function of their hydrology and must maintain a delicate balance between salt water and fresh water.

Restore and Regulate Tidal Hydrology Projects

Figure 1
Figure 1. Removal of existing levee during the Deepwater Slough Restoration Project Courtesy: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Seattle District.

The Deepwater Slough Restoration Project
South Fork of the Skagit River, Washington

The project seeks to restore the natural processes and conditions of a 230-acre intertidal estuary that were disrupted by diking, which eliminated the processes of river and tidal hydrology and sediment supply.

Innovative component : The project removed 10,000 lineal feet of existing levee — the first project in the Puget Sound region to remove diking completely as compared to breaching (Figure 1). To date, this technique has been successful in restoring tidal hydrology to the system.

Web link:

Figure 2a
Figure 2b
Figure 2. Creation of a meandering tidal creek (bottom) with explosives (top) for the Winchester Tidelands Restoration Project. Courtesy: South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve.

The Winchester Tidelands Restoration Project
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Oregon
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This project has two primary goals: 1) to restore full tidal hydrology to a series of diked and degraded estuarine wetlands; and (2) experimental correction for marsh surface subsidence by creating marsh mesocosms at different tidal elevations (see Restoration Research).

Innovative component: In a portion of the project area where the marsh surface was too soft to accommodate dump trucks for removal of excavated material, explosives were used carefully and effectively to create a meandering tidal creek (Figure 2; video clip). In another area, an innovative method for removing a large amount of dike in one low tide window of opportunity was accomplished by digging vaults at various locations behind the dike to be removed. Filling the vaults with dike material as it was removed greatly speeded the time of dike removal by eliminating the need to truck dike material offsite.

Web link:

Figure 3
Figure 3. Inspecting installation of sheet metal, which will house the self-regulating tidegate. Courtesy: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Photo Library.

Black Bayou Hydrologic Restoration Project
Over 25,000 acres of tidally-influenced intermediate and brackish marshes in Cameron and Calcaieu Parishes, Louisiana

The purpose of the Black Bayou Hydrologic Restoration Project project is to restore coastal marsh habitat and slow the conversion of wetlands to shallow, open water.

Innovative component: A weir with a state-of-the-art, self-regulating tidegate (SRT) was installed to regulate the amount of saltwater intrusion into surrounding marsh habitat (Figure 3). In contrast to conventional tide gates that close when the tide rises, the SRT can be adjusted to allow tidal flow into the marsh behind it, closing only when a predetermined high water level is reached. This restores tidal flushing of the marsh while protecting upland property from flooding. Critical access for fisheries is maintained through fish slots on either side of the SRT.

Web link:
SRT information available:

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Figure 4
Figure 4. High school students growing salt marsh plants for Tampa Bay Estuary restoration projects. Courtesy: Tampa BayWatch.

High School Wetland Nursery Program (also known as Bay Grasses in Classes)
Tampa Bay, Florida

Tampa BayWatch facilitates the construction of salt marsh plant nurseries in the bay region's schools. With a 44 percent loss of shoreline vegetation in Tampa Bay over the past 100 years, the nurseries provide an inexpensive source of salt marsh plants for large-scale restoration projects in the Tampa Bay Estuary. The nurseries are monitored and maintained by students of all ages in coordination with school science teachers and science and ecology clubs. Smooth cordgrass plugs are harvested from a natural donor site and planted at the school nursery (Figure 4). After six to eights months of growth, the students transplant the cordgrass at a restoration site.

Innovative component: It is estimated that the High School Wetland Nursery Program saves public agencies approximately $69,000 per year in salt marsh plant purchase costs. This is the first program to use school systems to develop a permanent source of plants. Similar programs now exist in other areas such as Chesapeake Bay and Louisiana.

Contact: info@tampabaywatch (manual and video available)
Web links: Tampa Bay,
Chesapeake Bay "Bay Grasses in Classes",

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Shoreline Stabilization and Erosion Control

Figure 5
Figure 5. Aerial photo of constructed terraces in Little Vermilion Bay. Courtesy: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Little Vermilion Bay Sediment Trapping Project
Vermilion Parish, Louisiana

Coastal land in Louisiana continues to be lost at staggering rate of 25 to 35 square miles per year. In the northwest corner of Little Vermilion Bay, wind and wave energy increases shoreline erosion and prevents Gulf Intracoastal Waterway sediments from settling and forming the basis for vegetated marsh. In the Little Vermilion Bay Sediment Trapping Project, a series of 100-ft wide by 6-ft deep channels were dredged. The dredged sediments were then used to construct 23 earthen terraces with a combined length of 23,300 feet (Figure 5). The bases of the terraces were planted with 20,450 containers of smooth cordgrass.

Innovative component: Earthen terraces are used to diminish waves such that sediment deposition will increase and erosion will decrease. Preliminary monitoring has shown that the terraces are growing in width, facilitating marsh growth.

Web link:

Figure 6
Figure 6. Polyester geotextile tube used for shoreline stabilization and marsh creation. Courtesy: NOAA Photo Library.

The Barren Island Restoration Project
Chesapeake Bay, Maryland

Barren Island has been eroding dramatically, threatening habitat loss and causing reduced protection for nearby seagrass beds. The Barren Island Restoration Project used geotextile tubes filled with sand dredged from the nearby ship channel to expand and stabilize the island's shoreline. Tubes are constructed of high-strength polyester or polypropylene fabric and filled hydraulically with dredge material (Figure 6). Industry standards have recently been developed for geotextile tube manufacturing and installation procedures. An 11-acre area behind the tubes was filled with dredged material to restore intertidal elevations and then planted with salt marsh vegetation. Volunteers hand-planted the seedlings to restore the natural marsh community.

Innovative component: Use of geotextile tubes to control erosion of marsh planted on dredge material behind geotextile tube.

Web link: More information on geotextile tubes is available from the Geosynthetic Research Institute Web page: http://, link to GRI Specifications and Guides. See also article on Dredging and Geotextile Tubes, available

Figure 7a
Figure 7b
Figure 7. Assenmbling Filtration Enhancement Devices (FEDS) (top) used to stabilize eroding salt marsh in New Hampshire (bottom). Courtesy: David Burdick, University of New Hampshire.

Salt Marsh Restoration using FEDS
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

In New England, a combination of waves and ice contribute to erosion of the lower edges of created and natural salt marshes. At created marshes in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Filtration Enhancement Devices (FEDS) are used to stimulate marsh development. FEDS are organic, biodegradable baffles designed to enhance filtration, reduce resuspension of sediments, and intercept erosional sediments in order to stabilize edges of eroding salt marsh in low wave-energy environments. They also stimulate plant and animal colonization. FEDS are constructed of two layers of erosion control fabric rolled tightly around hay or wrack and can be assembled quickly by volunteers (Figure 7).

Innovative component: Use of Filtration Enhancement Devices (FEDS) to stabilize edges of eroding salt marsh in low wave-energy environment.

Web link :


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Mangrove Habitat

Mangrove ecosystems represent a crucial link between land and sea in tropical and subtropical regions. Mangroves and their associated waters provide valuable habitat and food for a wide range of fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. They also stabilize sediments and protect coastal uplands from flooding. Loss of mangrove from coastal Florida, Louisiana, and Texas can be attributed in large part to urban and industrial development in the coastal zone.

Figure 8a
Figure 8b
Figure 8. Mangrove reestablishment at Cross Bayou, Florida. Courtesy: NOAA.

Cross Bayou Mangrove Restoration
Pinellas County, Florida

The primary goal of the 11-acre project was to establish a typical Tampa Bay mangrove forest. Rather than immediately planting mangroves, as many mangrove restoration projects do, project planners first determined if the site had normal tidal hydrology and an available seed bank from adjacent mangrove stands. With these two factors present, mangrove habitat can self-repair within 15 to 30 years. At the Cross Bayou site, wetland elevation was restored and tidal creeks were constructed to allow for tidal flushing. Because a source of seeds was available from nearby stands, mangrove is recolonizing the site through natural processes, eliminating the need to plant (Figure 8). Two years of monitoring has shown that the success criterion for mangrove cover (30 percent) has been significantly exceeded.

Innovative component: Working with natural recovery processes to reestablish mangrove habitat.

Contact: Robin Lewis,
Web link : not available

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Seagrass Habitat

Seagrass beds are an integral part of the estuarine and nearshore environments. They provide food for a variety of important species as well as providing a platform for growth of an assortment of algae and small animals, indirectly providing a food source for many other organisms. In addition, seagrass beds provide refuge for a wide variety of nearshore fish and invertebrate species. They also help stabilize sediments and protect coastlines from erosion. Seagrasses are susceptible to activities that reduce light, such as construction projects that increase suspension of silt and sand or shading from docks and other overwater structures. Excessive nutrient inputs from sewage discharge or agriculture can lead to dense accumulations of macroalgae (seaweeds), which can smother seagrass. Acitivities such as dredging and boating can impact seagrass by disturbing the sediment in which it grows.

Stockpiling and Planting

Figure 9
Figure 9. Eelgrass plants growing in flowing seawater tank for later transplant. Courtesy: Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory.

Clinton Ferry Terminal Eelgrass Transplant Project
Clinton, Washington

Eelgrass restoration was conducted as part of the mitigation for terminal expansion in Clinton, Washington. Eelgrass was salvaged from the area prior to construction. Planted in tanks (totaling 1560 ft 2 ) at a laboratory, the population increased fivefold (Figure 9), plants were then transplanted to areas near the site after construction was complete. To date, over 19,000 ft 2 have been planted with cultivated plants.

Innovative component: Salvaging the eelgrass from the site enabled restoration to be conducted without impacting a healthy donor bed.

Web link:

Figure 10
Figure 10. Tying eelgrass shoots to TERFS frame prior to planting. Courtesy: Fred Short, University of New Hampshire.

New Bedford Harbor Eelgrass Transplant Project
New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts

"Transplanting Eelgrass Remotely with Frame Systems" (TERFS) was perfected during a project to restore eelgrass in New Bedford Harbor. Eelgrass shoots are tied to the bottom of a weighted frame with biodegradable paper ties (Figure 10). The frame is lowered onto the seafloor from a small boat and retrieved three to five weeks later once the shoots have rooted and the paper ties have decomposed. TERFS create 0.25 square meter patches at fairly high shoot densities of 200 per square meter. The reusable frames allow for community involvement in their deployment, and they protect against bioturbation.

Innovative component: Because the TERFS method does not require SCUBA, it drastically reduces the cost of eelgrass restoration.

Web links: and

Figure 11
Figure 11. Eelgrass seeds harvested from the field in Naragansett Bay. Courtesy: University of Rhode Island.

Seed-based Eelgrass Restoration
Chesapeake Bay

For large-scale restoration projects, seed-based eelgrass restoration is gaining more interest in some areas as a viable alternative to transplanting. At multiple sites in Chesapeake Bay, recent eelgrass restoration efforts have involved broadcasting seeds by hand from a motorized boat. Seeds may be obtained by harvesting reproductive shoots in the field in the spring or early summer. The shoots are held in large tanks with flowing seawater at ambient temperature and salinity until the seeds mature. The shoots are stirred daily in order to release mature seeds. Within four to six weeks, the majority of seeds will have been released (Figure 11). Seeds are then broadcast prior to the period of germination.

Innovative component: Use of seeds for eelgrass restoration provides an alternative to harvesting plants from donor beds for transplant, a more labor intensive and expensive method.

Contact: More information on the collection and handling of seeds is available in a publication by Granger and others, "A Practical Guide for the Use of Seeds in Eelgrass ( Zostera marina L.) Restoration", available from the Rhode Island Sea Grant Communications Office, tel. (401) 874-6842.
Web link :

Figure 12
Figure 12. Mechanized underwater seed planter being used in Naragansett Bay, Rhode Island for large-scale eelgrass restoration. Courtesy: Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Technology.

Mechanized Underwater Seed Planter
Naragansett Bay, Rhode Island

A mechanized underwater seed planter is being developed to plant large areas with eelgrass seeds efficiently. The planter is towed behind a boat and consists of a sled, which travels over the sea bottom, and a pump that pushes seeds into the sediment (Figure 12). The seeds are mixed in a gel before planting to help prevent them from being displaced by waves, currents, or predators. Project researchers plan to publish a pamphlet that will detail the design, construction and deployment of the mechanical seed planter.

Innovative component: Use of a mechanized seed planter to plant large areas with eelgrass seeds, providing an efficient and cost-saving method for eelgrass restoration.

Web link:

Use of Seagrass Wrack for Restoration
Galveston Bay, Texas

Approximately 2200 acres of seagrass (consisting primarily of shoalgrass) has been eliminated from West Bay in the Galveston Bay System. To determine if seagrass wrack could be used to restore seagrass beds successfully, seagrass wrack was collected from water intake screens at the Central Power and Light Plant in Corpus Christi, Texas. Large amounts of seagrass material collect on the screens and must be raked off and trucked offsite to a landfill. Wrack was collected in the late fall, when feeding ducks and larger waves produce a greater volume of more viable seagrass material. The wrack was then experimentally broadcast from a boat into two 60-meter diameter enclosures. Wooden stakes were placed within the enclosures to catch drifting seagrass material to facilitate the establishment of new plants. After four years of the initial broadcasting, over 40 acres of clovergrass and shoalgrass beds have recovered.

Innovative component: Recycling seagrass to restore seagrass beds.

Web link:

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Fertilization and Protection

Figure 13
Figure 13. Sediment tube deployment into a propeller scar in the Florida Keys. Courtesy: Kamille Hammerstrom, NOAA

Use of Sediment Tubes to Repair Damaged Seagrass Beds
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Sediment-filled tubes constructed of biodegradable fabric are placed into propeller scars to enhance seagrass recovery in shallow beds (Figure 13). Propeller scars are caused by motorboats traveling in waters shallower than the draft of the vessel, and are one of the fastest growing causes of habitat degradation in Florida. Filling the scar with tubes brings the sediment to the surrounding level, which enables seagrass to send out runners and heal over the tube. The tubes disintegrate with time. To date, the sediment tubes appear to be a successful method for deploying fine sediment, which would otherwise quickly get eroded away.

Innovative component: Biodegradable sediment tubes placed in propeller scars to speed recovery time of damaged seagrass beds.

Web link:

Figure 14
Figure 14. Bird roosting stakes provide natural fertilization to enhance seagrass recovery. Courtesy: Kevin Kirsch, NOAA.

Use of Bird-Roosting Stakes to Enhance Recovery of Seagrass Beds
South Florida

In South Florida, fast-growing seagrasses are stimulated to grow in damaged seagrass beds by planting bundled bare root shoalgrass plants among bird roosting stakes. The stakes are constructed of 0.5-inch PVC poles fitted with a treated wood block on the top where cormorants and terns can roost (Figure 14). While roosting, the birds defecate into the water, providing a source of natural fertilization. Once the damaged area has been stabilized by shoalgrass, the stakes are removed to allow succession to turtlegrass, a slower growing climax species. This is because shoal grass may out-compete turtlegrass in a fertilized environment.

Innovative component: Bird roosting stakes provide a source of natural fertilization to enhance recovery of damaged seagrass beds.

Web link:

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Habitat Enhancement

Figure 15
Figure 15. Middle Harbor Habitat Enhancement Design. Courtesy: Port of Oakland.

Middle Harbor Enhancement Program
Oakland, California

The Middle Harbor Enhancement Program will use dredge material to restore a prior naval boat basin to shallow water eelgrass habitat (Figure 15). The 190-acre Middle Harbor, dredged continuously since the 1940s, is up to 40 feet deep at low tide, rendering it far less productive than the well-lit shallows more typical of the bay. Hydrodynamic and bathymetric analyses were used to determine areas with conditions most suitable for eelgrass growth. These areas will be filled with clean, dredged sand to elevations that allow sufficient light penetration for plant photosynthesis. Eelgrass will be transplanted in separate planting plots to facilitate natural seedling and vegetative expansion.

Innovative component: Use of dredge material to restore eelgrass beds.

Web link:

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Kelp Habitat

Kelp forests occur in cold, nutrient-rich waters and are among the most biologically productive habitats in the marine environment. Giant kelp and bull kelp are the key species in the kelp forests that stretch from Alaska to California on the west coast. These "rainforests of the sea" are critical to sustaining commercial and recreational fisheries. An increase in sedimentation from urban runoff and toxins from sewage discharge has degraded kelp habitat. Overfishing and hunting of many of the natural predators of sea urchins has seemingly led to an increase in many area sea urchin populations. Sea urchins are voracious consumers of kelp.

Figure 16a
Figure 16b
Figure 16. Growing juvenile kelp (top) to restore coastal California Giant kelp forests (bottom). Courtesy: California Coastkeepers.

Southern California Regional Kelp Restoration Program
Southern California

Off the coast of Southern California, the kelp forests have largely disappeared. This project uses an integrated approach to restore subtidal kelp forests. Cultivated juvenile kelp, grown on ceramic tiles in laboratory aquaria and in portable eco-Kart aquaria placed in science classrooms, is outplanted when the kelp has reached 1 to 2 inches (Figure 16) (see Community Involvement article for more information on classroom program). Sporophyll bags containing adult reproductive tissue are also used to help "reseed" barren reefs, enabling young transplants to become established. Also, during routine maintenance dives on the restoration plots, sea urchins may be relocated to minimize damage from grazing and drift kelp may be opportunistically transplanted on site.

Innovative component: Using several restoration methods in an integrated approach to ensure success of kelp restoration.

Web link:

Use of Artificial Kelp Plants to Reduce Grazers
Southern California

A new tool was developed to protect giant kelp transplanted in urchin-dominated areas. Artificial (plastic) kelp plants sweep the substrate and create a whiplash effect, effectively "herding" the sea urchins away from the transplant area

Innovative component: Use of artificial plants to protect kelp transplants

Citation (no URL available): Vasquez, J.A., and R.H. McPeak. 1998. "A New Tool for Kelp Restoration." California Fish and Game. Volume 84, Number 4. Pages 149 to 158.

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Reef Habitats

Oyster Reefs

Oyster reefs are typically found in estuaries, sounds, bays and tidal creeks and provide important ecosystem services. Because oysters are filter feeders, the reefs contribute greatly to water quality through their enormous filtering capacity. They also provide valuable shelter and habitat for many other estuarine organisms and serve as natural breakwaters to reduce bank erosion. Once historically abundant throughout U.S. coastal waters, oyster reefs have declined significantly due to such causes as over harvest, water pollution, and destruction by shell mining and fishing gear.

Figure 17a
Figure 17b
Figure 17. Newly placed oyster reef balls on the toe of a residential seawall (left, Courtesy: Tampa BayWatch). An established oyster reef ball fully encased with oysters (right, Courtesy: Reef Ball Development Group, Ltd.).

Seawall Oyster Reef Program
Tampa Bay, Florida

Much of the natural shoreline in Tampa Bay has been lost to the construction of seawalls. The loss of shoreline as well as poor water quality has impacted the bay's scallop and oyster fisheries. Through their seawall oyster reef program, Tampa BayWatch is promoting the reestablishment of oyster reefs and other littoral benthic communities by constructing seawall reef units along residential and public waterfronts. Reef balls, constructed in two sizes from nontoxic concrete mixture, are cured for about 1 week and then placed in front of seawalls (Figure 17). The program uses volunteers from youth groups, fishing organizations, homeowners associations, and others to construct and install the reef balls. Once established, it is anticipated that the oyster communities will improve water quality, as mature oysters have the capacity to filter up to one liter of water per hour. They are also expected to provide storm protection and habitat for many species of shellfish, finfish, and other organisms.

Innovative component: Use of pre-cast concrete balls to restore oyster reef habitat.

Web link:

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Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are among the world's oldest living communities of plants and animals and rival rainforests in species diversity. These habitats are undergoing a pronounced decline from various human activities, such as ship groundings, fishing practices, and general carelessness by boaters, divers and snorkelers. Coral reefs can take decades or more to recover under ideal conditions, and even longer in areas where stressors, both man-induced and natural, are present.

Figure 18a
Figure 18b
Figure 18. Prefabricated reef modules (top) help to restore hard bottom and coral reef habitat along the Florida coast (bottom). Courtesy: NOAA.

Gulf Stream Pipeline Mitigation and M/V Wellwood Restoration Projects
Florida coast

Along the Florida coast, the Gulf Stream Pipeline mitigation project and other reef damage projects, such as the grounding of the M/V Wellwood, seek to restore hard bottom and coral reefs by deploying large limestone boulders (2.5 to 4.5 feet diameter) and prefabricated reef modules (Figure 18). The modules consist of a hollow concrete and limestone dome atop a reinforced concrete slab. Steps are taken to maximize limestone exposure and minimize concrete exposure to mimic the natural aesthetics and relief of the reef. Each module weighs approximately 3500 pounds. The domes are structured to provide habitat for a variety of organisms and settlement areas for coral. The domes also contain a center galley for fish refugia.

Innovative component: Use of prefabricated, limestone-covered concrete modules to restore hardbottom and coral reefs.

Web link:

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Great Lakes Marsh Habitat

Coastal marshes of the Great Lakes are unique systems dominated by large lake processes such as water level fluctuations, wave actions, and wind tides. They store and cycle nutrients and organic material into the aquatic food web and sustain a tremendous number of diverse resident and migratory species. Pressures from shoreline development have impacted the processes of sediment input and transport — processes important to maintaining the bars and spits that shelter these highly-productive marshes.

Figure 19a
Figure 19b
Figure 19. Restoration of Metzger Marsh on western Lake Erie, before and after. Courtesy: USGS.

Metzger Marsh Restoration Project
Lake Erie, Ohio

Historical and geospatial data guided the restoration of Metzger Marsh, a coastal wetland in western Lake Erie. The marsh, a 300-hectare wetland in an embayment, once formed the mouth of a creek that was channelized directly to the lake in the late 1800s. Also, a barrier beach that protected the wetland from Lake Erie waves was ultimately destroyed in 1973 by a combination of extremely high water levels, storm events, and reduced sediment supply. This resulted in a significant loss of wetland vegetation. Large-scale aerial photographs were interpreted to delineate major vegetation types as well as the historical boundaries of the barrier beach. A geographic information system (GIS) was then used to digitize the data and calculate areas of vegetation and barrier beach. Paleoecological studies were also employed to identify historical vegetation species. Based on these studies, the restoration program was designed to return the embayment to a fully functional, vegetated coastal marsh with hydrologic connection to the lake, similar to the original wetland (Figure 19). A dike was constructed to mimic the functions of the barrier beach and included a water-control structure to allow hydrologic connection to the lake. The water-control structure contains five 2-m wide channels that can be manipulated individually. It also contains an experimental fish-control system that restricts passage of large carp while allowing other fish to pass through. Each passageway contains fish baskets that can be lifted out to capture, count, and measure fish.

Innovative component: Use of historical, geospatial, and paleoecological data to guide marsh restoration in the Great Lakes.

Web link:

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The projects featured above are but a small selection of the many new and innovative restoration activities occurring around the nation. We are fortunate that a more recent trend to monitor and manage adaptively our restoration efforts affords the opportunity for applied research — enhancing our understanding and ability to effectively restore our coastal systems (see also Innovative Research Article). The results of these projects will provide much-needed guidance for restoration efforts of the future.

Additional information and citations are available in:

Borde, A.B., and others. 2003. National Review of Successful and Innovative Restoration Projects. Prepared for NOAA Coastal Services Center, by Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory. Sequim, WA.
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bathymetric — pertaining to the measurement of ocean or lake depth and the study of floor topograph.

benthic — pertaining to the sea bed, river bed or lake floor.

bioturbation — the mixing of a sediment by the burrowing, feeding, or other activity by living organisms.

breaching — the practice of creating a gap (e.g. culvert) in a dike or levee to restore tidal flow.

climax species — a species that is characteristic of a more or less stable biotic community which is in equilibrium with existing environmental conditions and which represents the terminal stage of an ecological succession.

filter feeders — organisms that feed by straining particles from the water column.

hydrodynamic — pertaining to the action of water, waves, or tides.

mesocosm — an intermediate sized-community that is taken as representative of a much larger ecological system.

littoral — pertaining to the intertidal zone of the seashore.

refugia — areas in which prey may escape from or avoid a predator.

wind tides — or seiches, are lakewide, short-term displacements of water that are wind-induced. Water depth can increase along a shoreline when water is pushed up by winds. Once the wind is reduced, the water mass continues to oscillate, much like the water in a bathtub that sloshes back and forth.
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Planning Implementation Performance Assessment Adaptive Management Dissemination of Results Community Involvement Economics Community Involvement