Fire Island National Seashore
Threatened and Endangered Species
The piping plover is a small, stocky migratory shorebird that blends in with its sandy beach surroundings. From March to late July, piping plovers breed on Atlantic Coast beaches from Canada to Virginia. They return to the south Atlantic Coast, Gulf Coast, Bahamas and West Indies for the winter. |
Since 1986, Fire Island National Seashore—together with other federal, state, and local governments, volunteers, and private organizations—has been preserving and monitoring critical habitats and open spaces for the protection of threatened and endangered shorebirds and coastal plants.
Two federally listed threatened and endangered (T & E) bird species are known to nest within Fire Island National Seashore. The (Charadrius melodus) is on the federal threatened and New York State endangered list. The (Sterna dougallii) is federally and state endangered. The state-listed threatened (Sternula antillarum) and the (Sterna hirundo) also nest on Fire Island.
The (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was officially removed from the federally threatened list on August 8, 2007. Eagles continue to be protected by the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Bald eagles are occasionally sighted in the national seashore. Its presence is recorded during the annual fall hawk watch by (FIRE) near the Fire Island Lighthouse.
Seabeach amaranth is a small annual plant with rounded, waxy leaves and reddish stems. It grows low to the ground and colonizes beaches between the high tide line and the dune area. |
The (Amaranthus pumilus) is a federally threatened annual plant species that grows on some of Fire Island National Seashore's beaches.
The seabeach knotweed (Polygonum glaucum) is a New York State rare plant that can be found on Fire Island.
Signs, symbolic fencing and exclosures around nests are some of the measures that are taken to ensure the survival of the federally threatened/state endangered piping plover. |
Fire Island National Seashore's piping plover monitoring and protection program begins in March with a restriction on driving, pets and kites on portions of the beach. Symbolic fencing is installed to mark suitable plover habitat.
As nests are established, exclosures are constructed to protect both nest and eggs. After the chicks have fledged, restrictions on pets and kites are lifted, but the symbolic fencing is left in place for the protection of beach plants.
You Can Help
- Respect fenced areas and stay clear of bird nesting areas.
- Where they are permitted, always keep dogs leashed.
Three species of endangered whales may occur in the waters offshore of Fire Island: (Balaenoptera physalus), (Megaptera novaeangliae) and (Eubalaena glacialis).
Five species of sea turtles have been documented around Fire Island, although none nest in the area. The (Lepidochelys kempii), (Dermochelys coriacea), and (Eretmochelys imbricata) are federally endangered species. The (Caretta caretta) and (Chelonia mydas) are federally threatened.
Sea turtles are not known to nest on Fire Island, but an occasional animal will wash ashore. Staff from the Riverhead Foundation assist National Park Service rangers in the recovery and examination of stranded marine animals. |
Occasionally, a threatened or endangered species will wash ashore, where it may be rescued or recovered by the , one of Fire Island National Seashore's partner organizations. sea turtles are particularly vulnerable.
You Can Help
- Patrol the beaches for sick & injured marine mammals and sea turtles
- Report any sightings of healthy marine mammals and sea turtles to 631-369-9840 ext. 15
- Riverhead Foundation's
24-hour Stranding Hotline 631-369-9829
Learn More
Visit the National Park Service's Nature & Science web site to learn more about .
- :
- U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. . Hadley, Massachusetts.
NOAA Office of Protected Resources
New York State's
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
 Fire Island Habitats Learn more about the natural features and ecosystems of Fire Island National Seashore. more... | |  Learn More About Fire Island Birds Diverse habitats along the Atlantic flyway support a variety of avian species. more... | |  Birdwatching is a great way to enjoy Fire Island's wildlife. more... | |
Did You Know?
Whales and other marine mammals live in the ocean south of Fire Island. Occasionally, they are can be spotted from shore, and rarely a dead whale will wash ashore.
Last Updated: October 30, 2007 at 10:03 EST |